Self Enhancement, Inc.

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Rosalyn, an SEI student since the 6th grade was very shy and a self-conscious student. While she was a good student who stayed out of trouble she also struggled in certain academic areas such as math and science. Rosalyn was always hard on herself and it caused her to avoid opportunities. Through the encouragement from her high school coordinator, Rosalyn applied for the University of Oregon Scholarship through SEI.

Rosalyn was in disbelief when she found out she had been awarded the scholarship and was a little concerned if she would be able to actually complete college. Instead of Rosalyn being excited about this opportunity, she became fearful of letting people down. Often times she would come home from school complaining she was going to give up. SEI, along with the support of her grandmother, were committed to standing alongside her to help her overcome her fears and doubt. The village that surrounded Rosalyn believed in her and convinced her to persevere.

The first two years of college was very difficult for Rosalyn. She struggled academically and was constantly on academic warning. SEI provided extra support in the areas of academics by connecting Rosalyn with peer tutors, one of which was a fellow SEI student who also attends the U of O. With most of her family in Haiti and with little financial support from family, SEI was able to provide some resources for her to be successful on campus by purchasing her a laptop and providing employment opportunities at the Center for her during the breaks from school.

By Rosalyn’s junior year in college everything seemed to turn around for her. She was given a job in the mailroom on campus and her grades vastly improved. She was also awarded a Pathways grant in addition to her University of Oregon Scholarship. Her fortitude and strength paid off! Rosalyn was beginning to feel and see success and was able to maintain a level of confidence. This was exactly what she needed to reach her potential that SEI has seen in her all along.

Rosalyn has not looked back since and strives to do well both academically and socially. Rosalyn is now in her senior year and will be graduating this fall from the University of Oregon with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology.