Sierra, a student at Grant High School, struggled tremendously in academics, as well as behaviorally. Having engaged in a physical altercation with her peers, she sustained injuries that led to her needing brain surgery, which kept her hospitalized for weeks. Seeing the impact of this occurrence on Sierra’s track to on-time graduation, her school counselor referred her to a Self Enhancement, Inc. (SEI) coordinator.

SEI coordinators receive student referrals from counselors, teachers, and school administrators when students like Sierra need additional accountability that they cannot provide. 

Once paired with her coordinator, June, Sierra began a long but rewarding journey towards graduation. June worked with Sierra daily, implementing tools for success along the way that started to shift Sierra’s idea of academic achievement. She began completing assignments, socializing in healthy ways with her peers, and participating in extracurricular activities. 

Through this course of action, Sierra graduated with her class and is now enrolled at Portland Community College, majoring in General Studies! She intends to transfer to the University of Oregon in two years, at which point she will work on attaining a degree in nonprofit management. 

Through Sierra’s story, we are reminded that a child who realizes their full potential is unstoppable.